Welcome to 2019

What’s up, brain enthusiasts?

I wrote a real post today that I’d really like you to read, but I thought I’d also write up this separate mini-post so we can get the awkwardness out of the way first.

**Here follows a semi-personal random interlude that you can feel free to ignore**

I know, I haven’t posted about actual brain stuff in like a zillion years. Why? Sure, I’m super busy and everything, but there are two more honest reasons.

First, I pour my time and energy and passion into writing and researching each post and editing it 250000 times, and then I know people spend like 10 seconds skimming it before going back to their Instagram or Twitter feeds.

Second, these days the injustice of academic science constantly fills me with rage and has basically crushed my desire to think about neuroscience during my free time. That’s a topic I could write lots of posts on, but is sort of summarized here.

But alas, I still love science and the brain and teaching people about it. I really really miss teaching students, but for the sake of my time and research and sanity I’ve vowed not to do it again until someone hires me to teach as a real job instead of a side gig in my “free time”. The fact that tons of professors get to teach and don’t even like or appreciate it and constantly complain about having to teach instead of doing research (their “real work”) makes me super mad. Not so much at them, but at the entire academic system that is f*ing ridiculous. Yikes, now the rage is coming back.

The bottom line is I’ll try to come back to this blog and write about actual science stuff, and I still don’t expect anyone to spend more than 10 seconds reading it, so I’m just gonna write about whatever the heck I want and maybe cut down to like 100000 edits. You guys can also send me ideas for what you want me to write about, and maybe I’ll oblige. If I feel like it.

Happy 2019!


Welcome to 2019 — 4 Comments

  1. Thanks for sharing this Anita! If there’s any justice in the academic world then I am sure there is an amazing teaching and research position around the corner for you. Thank you for continuing the blog, I know a lot of us are excited for more of your writing. Happy 2019!

  2. Hi Anita!

    Happy New Year!

    I know that the academic sector does have its challenges, but stick with it! Students will love and appreciate having a lecturer like you one day! I have faith that you will be rewarded :)

    Also, as a reassurance, your posts are great and are well appreciated by me and others alike. As a PhD student, I enjoy reading about the problems you face as a post doc, your outreaching events, and your interesting perspectives and ideas on neuroscience

    Thanks for blogging :)

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